The PacMoore Blog

Nepal Update

The book of Exodus in the Bible records a conversation between Moses and God where Moses pleads with God not to send the Israelites anywhere…

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Business as Mission in Nepal

Our first two and a half days in Nepal have been full to say the least. Not only in terms of the activity and meetings,…

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Looking Ahead – BAM Goals for 2013

As we enter 2013 we have established goals for each area of BAM work we are currently engaged in. Uganda: Ship samples of our next…

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Final Days in Kenya

We finished our 7th trip to Africa by spending two great days in the Masai Mara (Kenya) talking about honey and cattle. For the past…

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Kenya Arrival

Our first two days in Kenya have brought us more good meetings and for that we are very thankful. On Thursday we spent the day…

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Last Day in Uganda

The Lord continued to show us His blessings on our last day in Uganda. We flew to the town of Gulu in hopes of finding…

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Time in Kampala

It has been a short but productive two days in Kampala. One of our goals for this trip was to do a better job of…

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Uganda Arrival

After 25 hours and 3 layovers we safely arrived here in Uganda feeling very much like God’s hand was on us. Every flight landed early,…

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PacMoore CEO Bill Moore Discusses Faith and Business on Radio Show “Stand Up for the Truth”

Bill Moore, CEO of Contract Manufacturing Company PacMoore, Featured on Christian Radio Show “Stand Up for the Truth” and to Talk about Jesus Christ in…

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Marketplace Revolution: Businesses Fighting Poverty

Unique Business Conference on November 8-9 PacMoore is proud to be one of two major sponsors for the upcoming Partners Worldwide Business as Missions Conference:…

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