PacMoore Products: The Best Thing Since Sliced … Wheat?

At PacMoore, we process and package more than 150 million pounds of dry food ingredients every year for our customers. We not only want to help grow their business but protect their products, brands, and customers.

It is fair to say that we are intertwined with the food processing and packaging industries but our work is done behind the scenes: you won’t see a PacMoore logo on products and you won’t know it was produced at our plant.

Sometimes we feel like a building’s infrastructure: if we do our job right, no one will know we are there.

We add value in lots of tangible ways, like blending, spraying, packaging and processing. But we also add value in intangible ways, like providing information. This blog (and the whole PacMoore website) exists to provide our customers with access to important happenings within our company and within the industries in which we operate.

There are scores of cool things happening these days. Here are a couple recent phenomenons we’re “chewing on.”

For the first time ever, packaged wheat bread recently surpassed white bread in dollar sales, according to Nielsen Co., who reported that by July 10th, wheat bread sales increased 0.6 percent to $2.6 billion, while white bread declined seven percent to $2.5 billion.

White bread is still higher in volume, however. Americans bought 1.5 billion packages of white bread in the last year and 1.3 billion packages of wheat bread.

Analysts say that this trend is related to consumer concern about heart health, fiber intake, and the need for omega-3s. It’s about maximizing taste and nutrient intake.

Another “sticky” piece of news is about bubbles — and not economic ones! One bubble that refuses to pop even in this recessionary environment is the market for gum, mints and breath fresheners, according to Mintel, a global researcher. Sales of “consumer chewables” grew through the recession, increasing over 10 percent since 2007, and are expected to continue growing through 2014.

This is due to the relatively small price point, innovative products, and cool (and environmentally sustainable) packaging, analysts say.

As we mentioned earlier, there is always a lot happening in the world when it comes to food processing and packaging. We are thrilled to be a crucial link between companies that make products and the people who enjoy them. Even if those customers never know who we are!