Uganda Day 1: Let the Little Children Come to Me

This is now my 9th trip to Uganda, but I think I’ve finally found a good system. I arrive on Saturday night so my first day in Uganda will be spent worshiping with brothers and sisters.


I was able to make it to Watoto church this morning and meet our project manager, Muhabwa Innocent. The passion and love for the Lord that the men, women, boys and girls had was inspiring. It was even more inspiring to go to Children’s Church after our service.

uganda-2We went to pick up 10 kids from his community that he meets with every week. Innocent is 31-years-old and single, but each Sunday he gathers kids from his community and takes them to church. Afterwards, he treats them to a soda and snack from the local supermarket. This includes kids with single parents and kids whose families do not go to church or believe in Jesus. The time I spent with Innocent and the children made me think of two things: one was Matthew 19:14-15, where Jesus speaks to children about the Kingdom of God, and the second was a deep conviction of awe in Innocent, as he sacrifices his time and money to plant a seed in these children.

Most studies say the best time to bring people to Christ is while they are children and yet so few of us, myself included, invest in children. I was humbled and convicted; I pray that God will continue to use Innocent in this powerful way. I can only imagine God’s grace on Innocent and the children as they enter heaven, due to the seed he planted.

Scott Pothoven

Former Global Director of Leadership Management

Prior to joining PacMoore, Scott was a CFP® and owned a financial planning business working with over 400 clients and small businesses to help manage their financial assets. He holds a B.S. in business from Trinity Christian College.