Finally Someone You Can Rely On to “Get It Done”

Even as the world goes digital and authors write about the world being flat and how everything and everybody in it is connected, sometimes you have to actually be where the action is. Sometimes a conference call or a video chat or an email won’t cut it.

In the agricultural heartland of America you just have to be there. At PacMoore, not only are we located near Chicago but we also have strong buying power and a hassle-free and cost-effective ingredient source for many food ingredient, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutrical products.

Time and time again our customers call us and tell us how we make their lives easier. In a pinch, we deliver. By blending dry ingredients, we provide the ideal solution for food processors that require unique ingredients for crafting the products that are the heart and soul of their business.

When it has to be done to spec every time – call PacMoore.

But we aren’t just an ingredient blender – we can also assist you with your research and development phase as well as help you take your product all the way to the marketplace.

Our experience is deep and our capabilities are endless – well, we can’t say endless, but in our experience if a customer asks us for help solving a problem, chances are we can get it done!

We serve all types of food categories, including:

  • Gums
  • Starches
  • Confectionary products
  • Drink mixes
  • Dairy
  • Baked goods
  • Snacks
  • Spices
  • Soy
  • Protein
  • Fiber

If you have any questions about our company or our methods – or have a problem that you need solved by a trustworthy partner, give us a call today!